Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Wanted: Rain In Missouri

In my 24 years of life... which yes, I know isn't much. This is the first time I can ever remember Missouri being this weather going this long without rain. If you care to see how little of the wet stuff we have received in the last three months venture forth

Jon's working half days for the next three days because the temperature is starting at 99 degrees today... NOT including the heat index. He's working inside houses without air conditioners where the windows have to be plasticed (oooh, made a new word) off with only fans placed in certain positions around the house so as not to blow dust on the new paint. Can't say I blame him for only wanting to work half days.

I refuse to water my lawn... Why you ask? Cause it isn't mine... the landlord could do it, but instead he cut the lawn as short as humanly possible so now our lawn is the brownest on the block.

AND the other night the stupid stoners in the street behind us decided to shoot fireworks at each other and ended up catching their house on fire... we actually watched the whole situation play out...all from our couch in the living room.

1) puff puff pass of the joint
2) pick up roman candles
3) have a duel
4) light the house your renting on fire
5) have friends scatter like cockroaches when you turn on the light
6) 4 fire trucks show up
7) Jon and Alice happily watch the firefighters rip off half the shingles and siding off in an attempt to quelch any possible flames.

and the worse part is... last week Jon had to yell at them for shooting it over at our house! Yep, I would have been REAL excited to have my house burn down.

Stupid stoners.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Alice..the heat index here is over 107, my son is in construction of new homes and does not get to work indoors OR half days, he is a plumber. The humidity is stifling as well..too bad your dumb neighbors had to learn the hard way..brain dead fucktards! oh.Karl Rove is the close advisor to the Prez who "outed" a cia operative because her hubby was a democrat and rove didnt like him..the prez originally said whoever did it would be punished to the fullest extent of the law and is now backpedalling cuz its his best bud caught in the act..

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

global warming has a way of screwing up the was the wettest winter in history here in cali and now the opposite in your neck of the woods..damn shame our Prez refuses to sign the accord that the europeans came up with to reduce the greenhouse will only get worse..our country was the ONLY one that refused to participate.

At 9:42 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Politics = Hypocrites

I hate it! Well that makes so much more sense now. Amazing how you can say one thing and do another... Yuppie Bastards.

Yeah, my dad and brother are finish carpenters, I pity all people who work outside at all right now. As I sit here in my air conditioned office.

I think someone is putting some big bucks in Bush's pocket to keep him from initiating and/or signing any kind of protocal concerning global warming... hey, maybe he's one of those people who think that global warming is made up.... stupid Bushes.

At 10:54 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

This (?) is our local news top story? We couldn't come up with something better than that... besides isn't this just common sense shit to begin with? Couldn't we have given advice on better ways to conserve water... ie) water your lawn at night... or not at all, don't let your damned kids play in the sprinkler, take 'em to a pool, something?'s Top News
Columbia Issues Water Conservation Advisory
As a result of this week's record high temperatures, Columbia Water and Light department is issuing a water conservation advisory, urging customers to use water wisely. In the summer, 60% of the water we use is for doing things outside. Columbia Water and Light pumps 21 million gallons of water a day, which is close to the plant's capacity of 24 million gallons. To conserve water, the department says to adjust sprinklers to make sure the water hits your lawn, not the street, retain moisture by using mulch and never use a hose to rinse off pavement. This is the first stage of attention for water use. If demand for water increases, the department could restrict the amount of anyone can use.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Forzavryheid said...

The same is happening in Cape Town.

Weve had very warm and dry winters for the past three years and we've resorted to water restrictions to save as much water as possible. Its middle of winter and the dams are only at 50% capacity.

In summer, they drop down to approximately 20% capacity, which is DANGEROUSLY low.

Damn global warming.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

wow, that was harsh Moose. Water is very valuable here in Texas, and the normal temp for the next two weeks is 99/100.
I manage a warehouse that has AC, so it only gets to 89 or 90 in the afternoon. But that is way better than cold!
Go easy on the "stupid stoners"; I was one of them once.
I think the problem is more that boys are dumb. Athough I never burned a house down, fireworks fights are pretty standard things if you have testosterone, beer and bottle rockets together at the same time. Look at the games boys invented that survived: boxing, football, hockey and golf all seem pretty stupid when you think about it. And I like 'em all.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Scribe Called Steff said...

I'll have you know, I smoke my dope responsibly.

Pot smokers like that give dope fiends like me a bad fucking name.

If you're stupid without the drugs, DO NOT DO THEM.

Me, I'm brilliant either way. ;)

* * *

As for water conservation and all of that, it's an interesting thing: Canada holds 1/3 the world's freshwater and they say one day we'll be the OPEC of water.

And then the Americans will invade and annex us.

* * *

Global warming... we have had fascinating shit going down here in BC with that, wow! We've got this new tropical tick in the forests on Vancouver Island that makes you really, really sick. Because our temperature has risen some 3 or so degrees in the last few years, we now have ticks like that from Australia, etc.

Mostly, I enjoy the new warm summers we have. It's nice.

Bush is a fuckwit. Did I mention that yet? Fucking Kyoto...

"Oh, no, it's an ineffective plan and won't accomplish enough, so we're not signing. But we're not going to do anything else about it. Get back to us when you have something better."

You just know he turned around and got his pats on his back from Halliburton and all the other industry.


Follow, the yellow brick road.

At 9:21 PM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Burn baby burn!

As for the song,

Peter Schilling
Album: Error In The System
Major Tom (Coming Home)

I have the cassette tape. I'm old. Good luck finding it on CD. Maybe I can upload it & email somehow.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure (&hoping) moose was referring to the dopers setting their house on fire...not the water issue.

But I have been known to be wrong.

At 5:39 PM, Blogger Bill B. said...

Glad to hear they didn't shoot any fireworks towards your place. Drugs and Fireworks don't mix. Usually the only thing that comes out of that are mutant fingers and well as in the case in present, burned down houses.

At 7:16 PM, Blogger Johnny Menace said...

they're just misunderstood stoners... how can you be so cold? would you treat thomas jefferson like that...... i didn't think so.

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

TJ wouldn't have been shooting off fireworks. He was too busy fucking his slaves.

At 9:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i think kurt booth gets two outta three...boys are dumb, it's hot in texas...but grown up stoners do not deserve a chance (their whole lives are another chance, dude)

i'm just opposite you...i have to water my brown yard, i'm my own landlord!

At 2:41 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

daisy, "grown-up stoners" is an oxymoron, like "Army Intelligence". And I didn't say give 'em a (2nd)chance. I just said go easy on 'em. They have enough problems of their own creation to deal with.
It sounds like the fellow stoners I knew in the day that had marijuana-themed bumper stickers and bitched about the cops always pulling them over...duh!

Glad to see you back, sorry to hear frustrations for you.


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