Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Monday, June 27, 2005

Current Status

Sorry Rat, I would write more but I have no computer at home and I only write and read blogs at work.

Friday afternoon sucked... I work in the payroll department at my work, I ensure that about 1,500 pca's (personal care attendants) receive their paychecks every two weeks. Well, we didn't receive a timesheet on time for this one girl so I made her redo a timesheet, we shall call her THING 1, she had not received her paycheck.... now THING 1 has been a pca now for over 2 years, she knows exactly how the mailing system works... we enter the timesheet on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning and then on Friday the checks are mailed to the home FROM St. Louis. Well, when she turned in her redone timesheet I explained to her that her check would be mailed out last Friday. THING 1 nodded her head and said she understood. After her leaving my office I called her employer (THING 2, the person she assists). THING 2 said that he two understood the check would be mailed last Friday. Oh, I did fail to mention that I was explainging this on Tuesday of last week. So, Friday afternoon about 2:00 I walk back in to the office after having my lunch and their was a message from the secretary DEMANDING that I give THING 1 a call. I called, THING 1 and THING are screaming at me over a speaker phone that I had told them the check would be in their mailbox on Friday. So for an hour straight I had to listen to THING 1 yell at me and curse me up one side and down the other about how we had originally lost her timesheet - which if it is lost, here, in this building, after my microscopic search, than it's in a god damn black hole somewhere-and that I had promised THING 1 that she would receive her paycheck Friday. I told THING 1 and THING 2 that the checks are mailed Friday, no ifs, ands, or buts, and I NEVER promise when a check will be there because it is up to the postal system to ensure it gets to a home in a timely fashion. THING 1 and THING 2 are still insistent that I promised them this, they then wanted to speak to my director and assistant director, well, they were both out doing whatever it they do outside the office (probably hitting up some bars). Anyways, for the entire afternoon I paged and called my superiors to no avail with THING 1 and THING 2 calling me every half hour on the half hour to see what I was going to do to fix this problem with THING 1's check. Needless to say nothing has been resolved and I am currently holed up in my office hoping that she will receive her check today and I won't be in the snake pit again.

My Nephew is due in Late August.

I am reading DUNE by Frank Herbert for the Zillionth time.

Mr. Jon the anklet bracelet man has a J-O-B starting on the 5th of July... painting again, which he is excellent at.

Today's payroll day so I will be flipping through blogs as I enter in new w-4 for about 20 people before doing with three other co-workers about 3,000 timesheets.

Monday's are one hell of a way to spend 1/7 th of your life.


At 7:05 PM, Blogger Zan said...

Would you like to post a comment? Yes, yes I would.
I konw sometiems it has to be unclear that you are appreciated greatly by the people you work with. I suppose I can't speak for all of them, but I know I've only heard your praises sung and I've belted out a few myself.
So for what it's worth, hats off to ya lady!
Good news about the J-O-B, always makes it easier with more money coming in. :)

At 7:48 PM, Blogger Danilo da Silva said...

hey Alice!! I know, mondays suck big floppy donkey dick... But, its a necessary evil to go through the week. Nice news on the other parts though, send my "yey!!! congrats!!!" to your brother, im very happy. And for your bfriend too!!

Sorry about being a bit vague sometimes on my blog, i really need to send you an email... Sometime I will, no worries.

luvs ya a whoooole bunch!!!

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Work to live, baby! Just remember that. Do not live to work. Nod you head, check the boxes & remember the real fun starts when you leave work!

At 8:08 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

PRAISE JESUS..bracelet man has a job!!!!!!!! i am sure judging by your day that this was the highlight..god you poor thing..


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