Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Monday, June 20, 2005

Riddle Me This

Good Luck!

I do not hold the desert, only a sample. My innards descend ever so slowly.... But in time I am turned over to begin again. What am I? ___________

I am larger than you can imagine, possibly without bounds. My last five letters name something found in poetry. What am I? ___________

The first part of my name is a container, I am a type of language that few understand. What am I? _________

Rat, I think that Jenn and I need to see all applicants together, it's hard as hell to scroll back and find 'em all.


At 3:50 PM, Blogger Mad Housewife said...

I give up. What's the answers?

At 5:58 PM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

1. Spoon
2. Infiniti-meter
3. holigraphic

I can post them on the second site.

At 11:08 PM, Blogger Zan said...

Let's see


universe (thanks to my sister)

don't know the third one yet

At 11:35 PM, Blogger Jenn Doll said...

Darth Vader

Oscar Mayer Weiner

I'll go with Mr. Rat. Holograpic

I like your idea too.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger Jenn Doll said...

Oh yeah! I saw your sexy feet and your sassy self. RAWR! You sexy mama!

At 5:45 AM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Laughing, Jenn. From time to time I'll just do stupid stuff in public when I wm with the kids so as to show them it's cool to have fun no matter when, where or why. I was so repressed growing up & I do not wantr them to be like that. We were on line in a store, and I just started singing the Oscar Meyer Weiner song kind of loud. Now, in the past the (now 12 year old) would have been a little embbarrassed. Not any more, by the second verse we were singing together and by the end she was belting out the song all by herself. It was totally random and totally hilarious. The other poeple in line just looked at us, and probably thought, "that poor little adorable girl is being raised by a crazy person." It was neato bandito!

Damn, Zan. Reading hourglass 7 universe - it's so obvious now. Damn damn damn! I should have gotten them.

At 6:24 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Thanks Jenn, you are one hotttt Mama yourself (literally), oh, and a belated happy father' day to you too, in my opinion if you are a single mom you do it all, so HAPPY FATHER'S DAY JENN.

Rat, you are one strange kinda nut, but I soooo enjoy you.

Zan is to damned smart for her britches she will drive me nuts in the office the rest of the day to get that answer for the third one out of me.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hourglass, universe, and I dont know...


At 10:10 AM, Blogger Kurt said...

OK, I got the hourglass.
I had infinity, but zan is so right.
#3 is a poser...
Rat- I also am given to random behavior that makes my kids nervous. Last year I was in line with my daughter (then 15) and there was a little boy, maybe 3 but more probably 2 with his mother. He was happy and so decided that he would run around the room. No yelling, screaming or anything. Just having a great time.
So I said to Nicki, "That looks like so much fun..."
"DON'T!" she cut me off.
And she's the one that used to say I couldn't embarass her. hehehe

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

That's great, Kurt. The 12 year old has her elementary school "graduation" next Tuesday & is terrified of what I am going to do. I asked if it was okay to walk right onto the stage with my camera to get some photos when that call her name, and got the same sort of response, "JOHN!"

We used to have fun. When she was in 1st grade she got picked on some at the beginning of the year so I'd go up there & always offer to kick ass on anyone. She got to telling people I was her body guard. People didn't believe it when this little 3 foot tall skinny girl said (me) this 6'3" big guy would do anything she said.

She's say, "stand on one foot" - I'd do it. She'd say, "run around waving your arms in the air" - I'd do it. She'd say, "go pick on (so and so) who picked on me today" and I'd go right at her - then she'd say, "Stop, John!" I'd stop mid stride. The other kids believed I was going to go kick ass so they left her alone.

By thrid grade when she was very well adjusted and had lots of friends and was no longer being picked on (in two years) I'd go up after school and some of the kids would every so often say, "do you remember when ... ?" I'd say I did, but now I was in charge. They'd doubt me so I'd pick up the now 12 year old and hold her by her ankles upside down as she hollered for me to put her down. All her friends would be laughing hysterically.

I'd run around and play state tag with them or anything else. Her mom would always wonder where the hell I was. I'd go to get her kid from school (a 5 minute walk from our house) & be gone for an hour or more playing with them & talking - always gathering that intel on the other kids.

One day, her mom siad, "You love it so much up at that school why don't you quit your job & teach." She was serious so I did it. She since has put me through a lot of hell, but I will always be grateful for that push & confidence of support as I took a much lower paying job.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

At least he wasn't yelling or screaming... I don't have kids for that simple reason.

My dad did teach me one thing though, at a local restaurant in my home town of St. Louis there was always several kids-bout 4-who ran around the establishment randomly walking up to people while they were eating and bothering them. What does my dad say to the kid... "Go tell your Mom she needs you"... sure enough that kid ran full tilt back to his mom screaming "Mom, Mom, Mom, what do you want me to do, Mom, Mom, Mom" needless to say, I still use that on kids today and it works every single damned time.

Yeah, I think the third question is a bit of a ball buster, I like that one!

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Kurt said...

Rat- thank you for taking on the task of teaching. Teachers get way too much grief and no where near enough credit.
Re: 12 years old, don't take it personal when you become the enemy (although your unique relationship with the ex's kids may exempt you from this); it will probably be in 1 or 2 years.
A friend of mine with kids older than mine told me that boys are stupid but you can deal with them. With girls, EVERYTHING is nuclear!
Do you remember Horace Clark?


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