Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Monday, June 13, 2005

Success, yet to be decided

Thank you all for your kind, encouraging, and get your head out of your ass words on Thurs plus. It makes a girl feel good to hear these little things occasionally!

Well, RampArt went fairly well. I ended up finding a slinky black dress to wear-working on getting a picture posted at some point. Food, well, there was enough food, but from what I am understanding apparently we neglected to pick up a few food donations from some restaurants, and they are PISSED, rightly so though. The artwork looked FANTASTIC, if I do say so myself. We sold all of our admissions tickets, 800 at $5.00 a pop. We gave away our 42 inch plasma screen tv some 23 year old kid ended up winning it.... punk. It will be later this week when we figure out how much money we actually made from the event to build ramps.

I got rent figured out for May, and luckily, I pay rent at the end of the month.

Took care of three different creditors today....

I am SUCH a worrier.

I am still trying to figure out how to work the pics.......


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Now that the word is out, the masses demand to see the pic so you damn well figure it out!

Congrats on the rest of the news.

At 7:21 PM, Blogger thc said...

I'm glad it went well and I'm looking forward to seeing the slinky black dress. Hubba, hubba.

At 3:03 AM, Blogger doym said...

Great to hear things went well, you must be stoked that you made rent, i hate missing rent.

You have to post your pics, would love to see them!

At 3:16 AM, Blogger Jenn Doll said...

Yay! I'm glad that it went well! And glad for all the other good news too!

I want the picture too! If that Hello stuff Jon hooked you up with doesn't work go to It's easy and will walk you through posting on your blog step by step. No excuses!

Hook it um, Mami!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


By the way, 4'9" is very short. I would have lots of trouble seeing him as an authority figure...lemme know if he ever shows up in the 3 cornered hat. I thought I was going to bust a gut the other day-prof actually said mmkay. He just did not inform us of the negative consequences of drug usage...

At 5:30 AM, Blogger Danilo da Silva said...

Hey Alice!! Im very glad things worked out so well. See, you worry too much for too little.

Nice pics btw!!


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