Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Down Down Down

Bet you are all wondering where your beloved Alice has gone.

Nope it wasn’t into a rabbit hole.

Okay, here is the skinny. On Monday THING 1 appeared and had not yet received her check. So, after much convincing I got the OKAY from my superiors to do a check by center as long as she signed a document saying that she would indeed give us her check when she received it from the payroll place. So as I am getting all of the wonderful gross income info and deductions and what not I have a very irate woman sitting in my office glowering at me everytime I walk by to answer a question awaiting an answer from the Vocational Rehabilitation Gods. After I get the OKAY, and the check had been typed up I had to go and get a second signature on a check from a board member. Boy, that went over about as well as a woman in white gloves eating a ketchup popsicle… THING 1 was PISSED! When she wants her money she wanted it then and now…. I explained to her that I had to get a second signature on the check or the banks would not accept them… so I went, got the signature from the board member and on the way back was stuck in 20 minute traffic. Needless to say I got back with in a skosh over a half hour. She was actually waiting for me outside in the parking lot (oh dear god the woman knows my car and license plate). She walked up to my car, where I had the windows down because I don’t have A/C ‘cause the blower motor went out, put her hand out and said gimme my god damn check. That did it, I told her that I had to photocopy the check as well as the document she had signed, that got her going again and she was whooping and hollering and screaming and cursing. Finally I just couldn’t take it anymore. So I stood up right next to her and told her what for… I NEVER had to do the check by center… I NEVER had to do anything at all, we could have made her wait for that check to come in the mail. I think that the words had no impact, I think that when I got up into her face me as 5”8” and her as 5”1” 110 lbs she actually may have gotten a little bit immtemidiated and backed off. So I made my copy and she left.

She never even thanked me.

Tuesday, my co-worker had to go to the ER, she was bleeding badly internally so it was just me and another woman doing timesheets.

Wednesday, my co-worker was still out. We got timesheets done (last minute) then I had a meeting with the City Planning and Zoning where we have to invoice them for 22,534.36 for reimbursement to our centers for Ramps we have built. This is also another glorious aspect of my job as the paper pusher from hell.

Things I hate about my job:

We laid off 5 people because of Medicaid cutbacks (which is how we run our center)

We had a girl quite the ramp projects… so, to save face we won’t hire anyone else so now I am doing it again… I am now working 70 hours a week.

If I make a mistake I have 3 bosses on my ass about it.

If I need directions I have 3 bosses I can’t find.

We have a board of directors that are only doing it as a resume padder…. They don’t even seem to understand the function of what our center does.

The board doesn’t understand that they are OUR bosses boss.

Hmmmmm… must right up a grant invoice now. Yippppppeeeee.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

aw alice..i am so sad for you..its a real bitch being shorthanded, not to mention dealing with ingrates..we miss you and love you..hurry back soon sweetie!

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Well, Dusty & I can always take a roat rip. I'll bring the shovels & you will never see THING1 again.

Fuck her.

On behalf of all the stupid people who never realize how much you do for them that is above the call of duty, thank you. They are too stupid to appreciate.

Liked the intimidation! 5'8" - hot damn!

Hope the co-worker is okay.

The Boards never know. It's a social function. I'll be on yours if you'll be on mine & then we can go boating & golfing.

Good luck - glad you're back.

At 11:00 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Thanks Mr. Rat and Ms. Dusty. I can always count on you two to make my day a little bit more light-hearted.

My co-worker is doing better. She had ovarian cancer at one point and now has to use a catheter (which she can feel) and if you know anything 'bout catheters they are a royal bitch to deal with.

We will start a board then. Hot damn, good idea.

At 12:20 AM, Blogger Jenn Doll said...

Aww, Alice. I'm sorry it's been rough. But try to look at it as yet another challenge life presents us.

From what I know, you seem to be strong minded and you'll get through it just fine. And as with any other challenge, it'll just make you stronger.

Work can be hell, especially because we have to do it to live. Well, us "normal" people anyhow.

At 2:28 AM, Blogger Forzavryheid said...

I hate asshole clients.

We should have a "customer is not always right day" and on that day we get to tune them whatever we want- including a smack to the face...

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Danilo da Silva said...

hey alice, do it like you always did... kick 'em in da nuts!! But unfortunately yes, this is indeed a bad side of working with the general public. But you know that you did your best and a little more, extremely professional and efficient. Thats my Alice!!

take care, luvs ya lots!!


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