what a long strange trip it's been
My niece was kidnapped by her own mother. My brother, his girlfriend (mother of child number duex) and his two children were walking around Wally-world. Ex-girlfriend (mother of child number une) comes into said Wally-world, comes over and begins coridially speaking with brother. Brother turns to point out something on the shelf to everyone… ex-girlfriend grabs child number one and runs like a bat out of hell out of the store. Brother screams several times she has taken my child she has taken my child…. Throngs of concerned mothers and fathers come running over to intervene stopping ex-girlfriend. Since Wally-world has that code Adam deal, the whole store shut down completely and she was in fact arrested for kidnapping (it was brothers turn for parental rights that weekend) and other misc. warrents. Ex-girlfriend lives in a town an hour away…. Somehow new exactly where my brother and the children were (stalker) and did that stunt. Hell of a lady.
My jaw hurts… and no I doubt it is from giving the boy-toy to many BJs. I don’t know what the hell I did to it, but it has been hurting for two weeks now. I have a strong feeling that I had dislocated it) I can feel it “pop” out of place and move to the right whenever I yawn or open my mouth wide, and it intensely hurts when I chew on anything. I doubt that it is a sprain in the tendon that connects the upper jaw to the lower job just as skosh ahead of where my ear is… (although that option did in fact come to mind). I don’t know what it is, but going on two weeks now I think that I might just need to suck it up and go to a general practitioner (which I don’t have… yet) and see what they say (which will probably be x-rays) or just go directly to the Urgent Care (yes, different from the ER) and just get the damable x-rays done. I think it may be Temporomandibular (TM) Disorders…. Stress related… go figure.
The stupid Fundraiser we hold every year at my shithole job is finally over with. We had a “big-ticket item” of a laptop computer with printer that we sold $10.00 tic
kets for. Needless to say not all proceeds went to what the fundraiser was initially for, instead we have to “purchase” the laptop, then all the leftover cash goes for our ramp building.
God, I am pissing off people left and right today. Fucking A. I am not a babysitter for adults, I am not a gopher, and I do NOT do other people’s jobs.
The crazy rednecks across the street have been notified by the county that they must get rid of ALL their vehicles and assorted misc. items or they will be towed/removed. Today is D-Day…. All vehicles were there when I left for work this morning, we’ll see if they are still there by this evening.
1. corvair
2. mercury zepher
3. mustang number one
4. mustang number two
5. lincoln
6. a boat (a very LARGE boat)
7. nova
8. buick
9. ford van one
10. ford van two
11. ford van three
12. 4 engines that also must go
13. hot tub in front yard
14. two washers
15. one dryer
Are you kidding? they got THAT much shit in their front yard?
Glad to hear the kid wasn't removed from the building..Wally world is good for something it seems.
Get your jaw looked at now. You are only making it worse by not getting it treated. The TM joint can't take alot of stress without a negative result.
oh and what do you mean they have to "buy" the laptop? someone usually donates it..sounds like someone is pocketing some cashola to moi dear..
Yep, me and the boy-toy are fighting right now (one of the many I have pissed off) so I might just go to urgent care tonight by myself just to get away.
That will eat up at least 8 hours of my life.
Yeah, actually last year we didn't get our t.v. donated and the agency had to pay for out of the fundraiser funds, and this year its the same deal.
Sounds fishy to me to... but, I doubt that I will go down with the ship. I think I will at least have a life vest somewhere.
Well Alice I seem to have pissed everyone off to so don't feel to bad and if you feel the need for another road trip ... Pittsburgh would be a nice town to visit? First around on me at Dees Cafe!
Get the jaw looked at- you really don't want lock jaw or anything like that.
Your neighbors sound like a used car lot more than a residence.
Power to the people without airconditioning.
Have fun explaining that to the 80 year old medical helper.
You know there shouldn't be any chewing action, right?
Welcome back, even if we don't see you for another 5 weeks.
hey hey. it is nice to see you still circulating around the blogs some.
your neighbors crack me up. i bet they would you too if you weren't there everyday...keep telling us the stories. please.
good luck with the jaw thing.
now are any of these cars up on cinder blocks, or what?
Good to hear that you neice is ok.
Do get your jaw checked out if you haven't already. That would suck for it to be worse off than the pain you're in already.
Crazy rednecks. When you were first talking about the cars I was thinking, "Ok, there's gotta be five.. maybe six at the most."
-And are there any cynder block wheels?
NOT a single one is on cinder blocks... in fact half didn't even have motors.
They currently have tarps thrown over a few and the hot tub has been moved to the backside of the yard. However, everything is still there.
More than anything I want them to get rid of the boat... it is a big ass boat and BRIGHT blue... it is "parked" under a tree, I guess for camoflage.
i forgot to congratulate you on your choice of title for this post too....GD
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