Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Shit I hate

Saw this on Scotts Blog and thought it would be fun.

1. I hate people that don't use their damned turn signal. That is why it is there... to be used.

2. I hate people that when you open a door for them they don't even have the courtesy to say thank you. (I always yell a big YOUR WELCOME and then proceed to try to step on their heels)

3. I hate that I went to court over Lucretia McEvil because of the ex-parte papers and they haven't been served to her yet because they can't find her.

4. I hate deer season... only because the little buggers leave the woods where the hunters are and instead run to the highways.

5. I hate my landlord he never fixes anything. Half the soffets have ripped off the house and it is colder than a witches tit in there at night.... but what can I expect... I needed him to put on gutters for three years now.

6. I hate it when people in line at the cashier stand read the magazine they aren't going to buy and expect the cashier to remove things from their cart and put it on the conveyer belt.

7. I hate it when people talk on their damned cell phone in a drive thru and expect the order taker to wait. (let me tell you at my part time job... they get to listen to me yell "CAN I HELP YOU, WHAT IS IT YOU NEED" until they get pissed enough to get off their phone.

8. Even with iron supplements I hate how easily I bruise.

9. I hate that I feel as though I have to buy my friends.

10. I enjoy people that drive the speed limit... doesn't bother me at all... means I am doing the right thing... but not driving 10 mph under.

Please by all means continue my list.


At 9:07 AM, Blogger twolf1920 said...

You never have to buy me Alice-I will give you my nonsense for FREE~

At 9:16 AM, Blogger UnHoly Diver said...

Ditto. All of my bullshit is free of charge. ;)

At 9:18 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Thank you boys! I love nonsense and bullshit.

Off with your heads-Red Queen

At 10:49 AM, Blogger twolf1920 said...

EEK!!! Covering both heads from the axeman!

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Alice my BS is always free to you.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Kurt said...

I was going to add this yesterday, but didn't get around to it)
I hate it when I procrastinate and suddenly it is too late.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Lucy Stern said...

I was at Wal-Mart the other day and I got the most unfriendly cashier. I would ask her a question and she would just look at me and keep on ringing up my merchandise. I know she wasn't deaf. I made sure I told her to "Have a nice day" and even gave her a smile and all she did was look away.

I hate it when you try to be nice and someone just looks at you like, "Why are you talking to me".

At 2:38 PM, Blogger daisyduke said...

I can't do hate, Alice...drains my power--


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