Down The Rabbit Hole

“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” “She generally gave herself very good advice, (though she very seldom followed it)”

Monday, December 12, 2005

How the Hell Did You Find Me?

Logan said...
I remember alice.
Alice is maturing.
If I were alone in a room with Alice I would strike a conversation.
I think Alice should find the light at the end of the rabbit hole.
Alice needs companionship.
I want to congratulate Alice.
Someday Alice will find herself.
Alice reminds me of Mindin or Rutabaga Buzzard.
Without Alice I would not appreciate love the same way.
My memories of Alice are jaded.
Alice can be stubborn.
The worst thing about Alice is Alice.
The best thing about Alice is Alice. (Gemini)
One thing I would like to know about Alice is is Alice Happy (Truely)?
Alice should go and seek ferrets.
Alice should remember me.

How the bloody hell did my ex find my blog... please Logan, explain.

Although I really don't mind.... how's the marriage?


At 12:49 PM, Blogger UnHoly Diver said...

OK, that's a bit scary..

At 12:58 PM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

A bit disconcerting, but never a problem... I just want to know how the hell the little magician pulled up my info... granted he has his ways... and he is brilliantly creative... I just still want to know how.

And he had better reply... quickly.

At 2:29 PM, Blogger none said...

i'd find that a little awkward. especially if it's been so long that he's married now.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Yeah, it has been a few years.

Like 7.

But, he does know me well enough to know I would think it flattering rather than creepy.

At 2:58 PM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Also I get a kick out of Voyeurs.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

I am sure you are enjoying this Logan... You know I will rack my brain trying to figure out what all you currently know about me.

Reading my blog... but for how long? What other little tid-bits have you figured out?

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Jay Noel said...

You know, that is really strange. He may be very creative and brilliant, but why would he employ those talents to find your blog?

I'd lock all your doors.

At 3:39 PM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...


Four simple words:

To FUCK with me.

And damn if it ain't working.

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Danilo da Silva said...

now thats a name I haven't heard in quite sometime... One more of those wierd stories...

At 6:59 PM, Blogger Scott said...

ex does that mean Alice is available? Thats all the christmas present I want!

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I would think it's flattering, too. And you KNOW he's been reading and will continue to.

I process restraining orders, Alice. Just FYI.


At 8:33 PM, Blogger UnHoly Diver said...

I got your back, Alice...

At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to stalk, or flatter, or amuse or bewilder. Just suffice it to say that I like to remember my past sometimes and so I go looking for people and things online to see what might be out there (or where they might be). Once again curiosity gets the beter of me. I found ya - (again) - so Hi! Actually the marriage is great and I'm living in Washington state. I'm 50% done with college (and can't wait to finish) Sorry if I upset the apple cart. Besides, you probably already lock your doors. I'm just weird, not creepy. -L

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH, and congrats on everything that you have reason to be proud of. If Drew cares tell him way to go on the kids. Public service is a GREAT venue for your talents (you are, contrary to popular belief, a "people person") It also speaks volumes about your character. I don't anticipate taking advantage of your blog again, but thanks for the opportunity. -L

At 3:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Its very easy to find anyones blog..there are so many search engines now that have blog searches.

I think Logan was just thinking of you and looked for you online..nothing more..blogging has become quite the national pasttime and you would probably be amazed at who blogs from your past Alice.

At 5:58 AM, Blogger none said...

dusty's right.. i bet that's all it was. He just searched for your blog and came acrossed it nothing more.

It's always nice to hear an someone talk well of their ex. and now that we've heard from logan it all does seem more flattering than anything.
props to logan.

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

ps..he sounds like a very nice guy evidently have good taste in men.

At 9:34 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

Dusty... you are right.

Or as I like to think of it he had nice taste in women.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

I was wondering if the great Logan wouldn't mind giving an image and a map place on my "map yourselves" frappr site.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger FantasticAlice said...

And I don't lock my doors Logan I just sit in a comfy arm chair with fuzzy slippers and a robe on waiting for someone one to walk in so that I can blow their heads off with an sawed-off shotgun.

I still find you highly amusing.

Stressing the highly.

And even though you said you will no longer visit.... where has Sam been? Update?

At 3:24 PM, Blogger UnHoly Diver said...

If my ex ever found either of my blogs, it would mean someone else told her that I had them.


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